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TMJ and Headache Treatment in Jackson, CA

Eliminating Pain. Restoring Function.

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Have you sought treatment from doctors or chiropractors only to be told that the headaches are caused by stress?

Many times, these severe and recurrent headaches are caused by malocclusion – a structural imbalance in your bite.

The good news is that through TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) therapy, the doctors at Jackson Creek Dental Group can diagnose malocclusion and develop a treatment plan to gently return your bite to its optimal position, eliminating pain for good.

In many cases, Levy lingual ledges are recommended for treatment.

What Are Levy Lingual Ledges?

Levy lingual ledges are small shelves bonded to the back of the upper two front teeth. The lower front teeth will bite on these shelves and will prevent your back teeth front touching when biting. This will allow the back teeth to erupt or “grow” together over the next 3-24 months (based on your age and the height to erupt).

The benefits of using the lingual shelves are numerous. For children, many problems caused by an overclosed mandible can be corrected. For adults, these same problems will be helped dramatically.

Benefits may include:

  1. Facilitating orthodontic correction of deep bites by shortening the time and improving the effectiveness.
  2. Allowing for opening the deep dental bite for properly placing and aligning crowns and bridges for adults with worn, overclosed bites.
  3. Allowing the mandible to obtain a natural physiological rest position, by freeing retruded condyles to reposition to a more normal position, correctly centered in the glenoid fossa (temporal bone).
  4. Creating the proper vertical dimensions (proper spacing between the upper and lower jaws) from the start of treatment, needed restorative dentistry can now be done over several years. This is in contrast to full-mouth reconstruction dentistry having to be done all at once, in which every tooth in the mouth has to be crowned in order to open the bite. This is a very important consideration for most people.
  5. Improving chronic headaches, tinnitus, stuffiness of ears, etc. due to mandibular overclosure.
  6. Allowing the mandible to move forward in many cases.
  7. Improving facial contours and providing a mini “face lift” by restoring worn down teeth.
  8. Being an effective treatment for chronic ear infections (Otitis Media).
  9. Improving day and nighttime breathing by creating more room for the tongue.
  10. Allowing the tongue to change from a lateral tongue splinting rest position to a normal upper position within the palatal vault.
  11. Lastly, but not less importantly, being very reasonable in cost compared to any alternatives.

Call Today To Schedule An Appointment!
